Il y a autour d’Her, un épais brouillard. Trois lettres, quelques maigres infos subtilement distillées et un concert aux dernières Transes Musicales de Rennes largement salué. Her nourrit son secret et sait se faire attendre, ne s’appuyant que sur les quelques morceaux sortis ces derniers mois. Classieux, subtile et groovy, les deux rennais (ex-Popopopops) font les choses biens et témoignent d’un savoir faire made in France qui ne demande qu’à exploser aux oreilles du monde entier.
Avec autant d’intelligence là dessous, pas étonnant que le pronom soit féminin.
There’s a thick fog around Her. Three letters, some partial information subtly given and a show in the last Transmusicales in Rennes which was unanimously greated. Her keep their secret and knows how to stimulate our curiosity, only giving us the few songs which came out these last months. Well-made, subtle and groovy, these two guys from Rennes (formerly Popopopops), know how to work properly and act with their made in France know-how which is just waiting to explode in the ears of the whole world. With so much intelligence, we cannot be surprised by the choice of this female pronoun.
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